From Fast Asleep to Fully Engaged

Written by: Jeff Conley               If someone had broken into my house and was causing havoc, breaking windows, destroying the furniture, starting fires, pocketing the jewelry and valuables, what would I do? Obviously, I would take forceful action to get them out immediately. But what if I was not aware the intruder was even […]

Every King Will Bow

Written by: Dwain Wolfe We know Jesus to be the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.  It is ordained that He becomes the central figure of every nation – the desire of the nations – and they will stream to the house of the Lord.  These revelations and proclamations will see Him shape culture […]

Victory is in Your Mouth Pt. 2

God has made us spiritual beings and restored our dominion over the earth. Restored our fellowship, our purpose, our power and our righteousness that we might rule over the works of Satan.    But, the victory over Satan, the curse and sin is intertwined with prayer, praise, testimony, as to speech and as to what we […]