The goal of our fasting and prayer focus is to restore election integrity.  We are going after the fulfillment of this goal by bringing destruction to the powers of darkness who empower, inspire and undergird the erosion of our elections across all spectrums of our society.  For that reason, we are providing prayer guides that address these specific areas of vulnerability.  These guides are meant to be a primer for your prayers, proclamations and decrees.  We invite you to write your own guides as well, so as to provide specific information to your prayer team, specific to your state. In addition, sent us any prayer guides you think would be good to be posted for others to use. Send suggested prayer guide material to [email protected]

The following prayer guides are available to read, download or print for your inspiration and guidance.  Use the prayer outlines and scriptures we share with you, or others that are appropriate. Consider sharing about your prayer meetings on Facebook using the hashtag #fastingtosaveamerica.  If you start a social media account to share your meetings use the artwork and name Fasting to Save America with the name of your city or organization in the heading. 

Concerning election integrity, each state has a chief election official, who has an oversight or advisory role over state and federal elections.   

Election administration in America is highly decentralized. There are more than 10,000 election jurisdictions in the U.S. The size of these jurisdictions varies, with the smallest towns having only a few hundred registered voters and the largest jurisdiction in the country with over 5 million. Local election officials also rely on trained poll workers (often bipartisan) who assist voters during early voting and on Election Day. Through its clearinghouse function, the EAC provides guidance and best practices to assist election officials, but the EAC does not have regulatory oversite of elections. 

Find out more about who runs elections in your state, by visiting

Continue here to find downloadable prayer guides pertaining to
Government, Media, Social Media, Entrepreneurs, etc.