Written by: Jeff Conley

              If someone had broken into my house and was causing havoc, breaking windows, destroying the furniture, starting fires, pocketing the jewelry and valuables, what would I do? Obviously, I would take forceful action to get them out immediately. But what if I was not aware the intruder was even in the house? Could I be distracted to such a level that I did not even know the intruder was there, or in a sleep so deep that I could not hear him?

            Recently I heard a preacher say that the walls of our nation are broken down and our gates are destroyed, and suddenly I realized much more acutely how that robber had broken into our “house” or our nation. I was rudely awakened by the comment. It was like the title of Chapter 1 in Mario’s book,

“Before there can be a Great Awakening there must be a Rude Awakening.”

Suddenly I could see much more clearly the terrible condition our nation is in. I could see myself standing amid the rubble with our walls broken down and thieves coming and going at will. The good news during this terrible scene is that I was at least standing and awake to see it. I could take action and do something. I can invoke the scripture I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can use the authority of the One who has the power to throw out all the thieves and keep them out- Jesus Christ.

            So, with the Holy Spirit’s help, it’s time to get to work rebuilding and restoring the foundations, walls, and gates of our nation. Everyone can pray and even pray intensely. It’s easy to give yourself to this when you see the damage the enemy has done while we were all asleep. From there we can move into our own unique and individual assignments that the Lord will be passing out to us for this mission of rebuilding the foundations of our nation on righteousness and justice, without which no nation can stand.

Much can be learned about restoring our nation through the example in the Bible of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

First, he had to assess the extent of the damage and become aware of what needed to be done. The other main thing he did to make the repairs is he motivated the people. They took on a mind to work, a spirit of unity, and one purpose. The work was accomplished at a supernatural pace.

             As we awaken as God’s Ecclesia church and come together as one voice in Christ, we will see our nation restored very quickly. We will walk with God’s vision for our nation to be a shining light for the world rather than pursuing a dark, disjointed vision enslaved to our own selfish interests. I believe, as we carry a mandate to care for and steward our nation, we will experience far more of the prosperity God has intended us to have.

Along with serving in our churches, reaching out to the lost, and caring for our families, we must listen and respond to what God is asking us to do for our nation.

If each of us does our part and puts a few bricks in the wall, it can be rebuilt very quickly. As we pray for our leaders in government and continue to stand for righteousness and justice, our nation will be strong and provide a conduit for God’s kingdom to go forth. Billions of souls hang in the balance. Which way will the scale tip? It’s up to us.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Isaiah 41:2 KJV

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne, loving kindness and truth go before you.

Psalm 89:14 NAS